About Company

We have been helping our clients make the right decisions for years. We believe that an investment in environment-friendly energy sources is justified only when it brings tangible economic benefits. Ethical, economic or aesthetic issues are naturally additional arguments. The motto that guides our business is: CLEAN ENERGY CLEAN PROFIT.

2 sun
We have been helping our clients make the right decisions for years
2 sun
2SUN is a high standard of services and professionalism
2 sun
Guarantee of ecological balance of each investment

The main principle that we follow in our business is the positive ecological balance of each investment. Our offer includes solar and photovoltaic systems, high-efficiency gas boiler rooms, modern heat pumps, ventilation systems with recuperation as well as automation systems and energy management. In addition to experience in the field of renewable energy, we also have knowledge about industries such as heating and air conditioning.
Why US:
Deciding to cooperate with 2SUN you choose a high standard of services and professionalism at every stage of the work.

2 sun
Comprehensive cooperation We provide comprehensive investment service by offering solutions from design through assembly and providing a permanent service after completion of works. Thanks to this, our client saves time and money.
2 sun
The highest quality components In our installations, we assemble materials and devices from VIESSMANN WOLF GEBERIT FEMAX BIMS Fronius SMA Solar Technology
2 sun
Training We also share our experience and knowledge with others by organizing training in both renewable energy and high-performance boiler technology.
2 sun
Help in financing Based on extensive experience, we provide assistance at every stage of the investment, including preparation of documentation for co-financing from WFOŚ and GW, with BOŚ, and Regional Operational Programs.
2 sun
Installation services We install solar and photovoltaic systems, modern heat pumps, high-efficiency gas boiler rooms, ventilation systems with recuperation as well as automation systems. In addition to experience in the field of renewable energy, we also have knowledge about industries such as heating and air conditioning. We have experience in installing modern lighting.

Obszary naszej działalności:

  • Odnawialne Źródła Energii
    • Systemy solarne
    • Systemy fotowoltaiczne
    • Pompy ciepła
  • Nowoczesne systemy grzewcze
    • Kotłownie gazowe
    • Instalacje centralnego ogrzewania
    • Instalacje ciepłej wody użytkowej
    • Węzły ciepłownicze
  • Instalacje wentylacji z rekuperacją
  • Termomodernizacje obiektów
  • Automatyka
  • Zarządzanie energią
  • Nowoczesne oświetlenie
  • Energetyka Odnawialna (inwertery i konwertery do elektrowni fotowoltaicznych}
  • Systemy magazynowania energii

Posiadamy bogate doświadczenie potwierdzone realizacją licznych instalacji dla:

  • indywidualnych gospodarstw domowych,
  • firm prywatnych,
  • instytucji państwowych
  • zakładów przemysłowych.
Throughout the current year 2020, the 2SUN company was involved in the "Thermomodernization of buildings in the Wielkopolska-Mazowieckia Province in Gdynia and Jastrzębia Góra" - a project co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
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After a decade of stationary hospice activity in Puck, it was time to expand and reconstruction it. The increased area will create a new place for rehabilitation, a new training room and a larger chapel. Renovated rooms in existing buildings will improve the comfort of patients and their carers, doctors and all other hospice employees.
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As part of the project co-financed from the European Union, “Thermomodernization of the Culture Buildings of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Self-government”, thermal modernization was covered by another 8 Pomeranian Voivodeship Government buildings – most of them are monumental objects. The work began in May 2017.
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For the last 2 years, the company 2SUN in a consortium with the MARBUD company has been involved in the "Thermomodernization of Pomeranian self-government facilities" project co-financed by the European Union - European Structural and Investment Funds. 21 Pomeranian self-government facilities were included in the project.
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Our work

We try to perform every order with due diligence. We attach a lot of weight to meeting deadlines, and to keep clean in place and around the place of installation. The signed acceptance protocols allow us to express our opinion on the implementation of the order. Based on them, we correct imperfections and strive for full customer satisfaction.

Honorable mention award